A Special GiveAway - The Love Story - Your Love Story

>> Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Revelations : T & C

>> Monday, September 27, 2010

How's your Monday..
Thank you once again from the depth of a dream come true here in this blog,
for supporting iHaveADream Creations in its facebook page.

And a wonderful thank you for friends and bloggers alike who kept their faith in me and choose 
iHaveADream Creations. 
You don't know how much it means to me.
What a great surprise do i have in store for you..hehe..
What about? Will disclose it in the next post.
As for now..
A TERM and CONDITIONS that i have finally drafted for all users, visitors, and customers of my humble blog. Why the sudden? I guess it is one of the many safety net for any online ventures..don't you think so?
I try not to make it as BORING as possible. 
I know the feeling. Trust me. haha

So here you go..may be you will also find the answers to your questions and doubts..

The Terms & Conditions

  1. All pictures published in the blog are with the permission of the rightful owner.  A third party is not allowed to re – publish or upload any pictures found in the blog. ~ ask nicely..no problem, it is meant to be shared. So cool. Just need some protection right actually.
  2. All published pictures will become a copyright property of iHaveADream Creations. Owner of pictures will be given a soft copy of a smaller size of the picture as a token of appreciation and for permitting to be published in the blog. ~ tak kn kacang lupa kn kulit..kn? thanks in advance.
  3. Customers who wish to be published in the blog are welcomed to drop by their pictures and wishes at esperanza258@yahoo.com with the title: “ihaveadream creations: A Picture for You”. This is to avoid any email from being directed to the spam box. ~ hehe..and easier to recognize you of course.
  4. Customers who wish to be published and BUY the printed picture with frame may request HOW or WHAT they need and want in the picture design, eg: wordings, choices of colours, borders, etc..~ if not..it’s all mine to design. Yayyyy..but of course customer satisfaction is number ONE.
  5. Any designed picture will be published after a minimum of 3 days or a maximum 7 days period after received from the owner of the picture. ~ hate to keep you waiting, and eager to know your response actually.
  6. All pictures will bear the trademark of the blog in appropriate spot in the pictures. ~ uish..penting ni..hehe
  7. Customers who do not favour the design/creations of their published pictures may inform the owner of the blog (that’s me) about it. It will be removed. ~ Bulih ba kalau kau.. The published pictures will not be deleted though from my personal archive, hehe..and i think that’s all i can do for you.
  8. Frames or decorations used are of the choice of the owner of the blog (that’s me again), unless requested to be of a different kind from you, my dear customers. ~ your wish is my command..hehe.., then there might be some pricing adjustment. Huhu..economy..economy.
  9. Frames used in promotional pictures or banners put up in the blog may change; subject to its availability. – hope u understand that quality frames are one of the expensive in the market. So..need to find the best resource, for you.
  10. Conditions of frames, pictures and overall packaging are kept at the best quality level as possible on the day of handover to customers. ~ yep, i prefer to meet and deliver it by hand to you. Save cost for both of us..AND a chance to meet one another in person! Wow.
  11. The owner of the blog(hehe..me.) will not be liable for any broken material (eg: shattered frame glass, torn picture, etc etc) after the finished product handover. ~ mesti pndai jaga mah..kn.
  12. Quality of printing will depend on the original picture size and clarity, given by the owner (that’s you). The bigger the size the better. This is as to avoid blurred images when printed in bigger size. Recommended picture size is 1MB and above.  Nevertheless, anything, any size is possible. Trust me. ~ you won’t regret it.
  13. A TEN PERCENT of every transaction will be donated to the SPCA KK (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty against Animals, Kota Kinabalu). Donations to the organizations will only be done after an accumulation cash value collected via the iHaveADream Creations fund. All customers name will be mentioned during the donation process. ~ trust me again, i’m passionate about animals. The contribution is my way doing things i love. Will our names be mentioned for a ‘Thank you’ by the organization? Hehe..A sincere gift does not need any bah kn.. , so cheerssssss.
  14. Ask. Anything. I will reply. (urm..no, i do not own a DSLR. Hehe..i tot u might ask. But I have my mind and heart in this)  

..and that's it. What do you think?

The New Look

>> Thursday, September 23, 2010

I just need to show this off - humbly.
It's a NeW badge that iHaveADream Creations will be using to go around and spread the LoVe.

I have always fallen in love with my kadazandusun wedding attire picture that i wore during my wedding.
Credits to my wedding photographer Filex De Randy Indra and my student cum tailor who made the costume. I can never thank you enough.
And that is exactly why i have always used it in this blog.
It's a good way to promote our culture as well..rite?


Finally, i've created my self an official page of the blog via the fame facebook, following the footsteps of many independent pages and blogger friends. Now it's easier to communicate with all of you. No matter where you are.
Life's always get easier with Facebook..hehe..
Whenever you see the picture above, you know that the dreamChaser is near.
I hope u will give it a LiKe.
click HeRE , i will take you there.
Interesting pictures and updates will be featured.
You might be in one of them? Of course.
Thank you for all the support from fellow blogger friends, family and relatives.
Without you, i would have not been doing this.

If you want to show support for iHaveADream Creations, feel free to feature the picture-badge below in your page. It's not an obligation though..hehe..
The pictures are of three sizes. You can choose which ever that suit your page and just LinK it to the blog address of..
(yep, im a '79 babies)

(120 x 120)

(150 x 150)

(180 x 180)

Moments + Inspirations = iHaveADream Creations

God bless.

"Friends are the siblings God forgot to give us"

>> Monday, September 20, 2010

"BEST friends are the siblings God forgot to give us"

This is one of the best BEST FRIENDS picture i have seen.
It is the picture of Angel and Kath that i have framed and given to one of the besties the other week.

A bonus for the two of you :)
Since i adore black and white so much..i was wondering how the picture looks like in that hues.
So, here it is.

And here's the original picture with the two lovely ladies.
The background is crowded with people..urmm..Angel & Kath should be the stars of the day.
Don't you think so..?

An AngeLic Meet

>> Sunday, September 19, 2010

I finally met an Angel ~ Angel of Etcetera
"nc!" she called, as i saw her seated next to her relaxed and charming other half, Bruno.

Well..the deed of the day is done.
And the black wooden frame with picture of herself and best friend Kath was given.
What do you think?

The meet was great.
Most orders for iHaveADream will be delivered by hand - purposely.
It saves the postage cost and a chance to meet the blogggers real time.

Angel: one cool lady and a loveable teacher in the future. Trust me.
Annieming was there. Its great of her to join us.
I say, they couldn't get enough of the picture. hehe

And finally, here's the match made in heaven. 
One meet with them, and you'll feel you've known one another before.
To Angel: thank u again Angel for the meet. So glad u love it.
To Bruno: (Angel, ko tlg kc tau a, hehe) , i wish i will have my own store one day, like u said.

Life Now n Then: U Z O I E Y

>> Thursday, September 2, 2010

As been promised,
presenting you..Mrs Uzoiey, the pretty mummy with her hubby.
Everything was scheduled, thus managed to give them the picture + frame last week.

All pictures + frames order will be cutely packaged for each customer..hehe.
The dark paper bag is a simple hand made, which can actually be REused or REcyle for a greener planet.
No problem.

A bonus picture for them. I can't help it. hehe

Aren't they cute together.

Thank you for the comments and suggestions from this appreciative customer.
Looking foward to the next meeting and makan2 a..:)

Who will be the next featured customer?
Hehe..stay tuned.

Happy as a Bee - my royal customers

>> Wednesday, September 1, 2010

 All smiles.

The picture + frame project went off well when i presented it to my royal customers, last week - 
my sister and niece.
(By hand, yep, i prefer to meet n give my customer their orders personally)

With a classic and minimalistic concept, the customers are happy and satisfied with the result.
There is still room for improvement though, as recommendation and suggestions from customers are always welcomed. So..fingers crossed ;)

The SPCA donation fund is also growing with every order you made.
Thank you for believing.

The promotion price (rm20) of picture+frame has ended. hehe..Thank you VERY MUCH for those who have ordered and putting your trust in me. WiLL be back for the better though..and a detail policy and disclosure has been planned (utk hak cipta terpelihara ba gia..hehe) to serve you as best as possible.

*Next featured customers (ada juga bah..hehe) : Mrs Uzoiey

The Pictures.

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About This Blog

I have a dream,

A song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder

Of a fairy tale
You can take the future

even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream –

I have a dream

I have a dream,

a fantasy
To help me through reality
And my destination

makes it worth the while
Pushing through the darkness

still another mile
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream –

I have a dream
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

Lorem Ipsum

"All images are a copyright of iHaveADream Creations.
All picture sources are used with permission from the respective owner.
Everything is created to show how inspirations and passion can turn a just-another-moment into something valuable and cherished. It's the thoughts that counts."

-iHaveADream Creations

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